I’ve had a huge passion for anything and everything electrical and, as a kid, was sometimes given old plugs & switches by relatives sorting out sheds and the like. I was once even given a new metal cased light switch as a birthday present when I was about fourteen:: can you believe?!
So, when the opportunity arose with the ETC to be let loose with theatre lights, cables & dimmers (as well as yards of gaffer tape!), how could I resist? When I mentioned to Nick at Ste. Dode some time ago, “Could you do with a bit of help backstage?” I was hastily handed an application form and asked to help with lighting for the next production, The Thirty-nine Steps .  What an interesting experience!  Mind you,  I didn’t expect it to get that exciting!
I’m glad I was able to give the impression of being useful and take a bit of work from Nick’s shoulders. As he told me,  I tend to think along the same lines as him which can be handy at times, however, being ‘the new kid on the block’ I was wary not to tread on any toes, nor butt in too much.
I’ll certainly look forward to the next production, whatever that may be, and hope I don’t screw anything up too much! Hopefully it may not be as challenging as the 39S. but, even if it is, we’ll give it a bloody good go!
Pete KIng